Know Before You Go
- Be prepared. Take enough food, water and clothes to protect you from the wind rain and the sun.
- Use a map and compass when hiking on the trails, this stops you getting lost and disrupting wildlife.
- When you go on your trip find out as much as you can about the area you will be hiking and camping in.
- If you're taking your pet don't forget a leash and a bag for your pet's waste.
Stick To The Trails
- Whether you're walking or cycling keep to the trails provided to protect trail side plants.
- Don't step on any flowers, plants or small trees. Once damaged they may not grow back.
- Respect private and designated property by staying off it.
- When camping only pitch on existing campsites to avoid damaging wildlife.
- Always remember this: "good campsites are found, not made!"
Throw Away Your Rubbish
- If you carry it there then carry it back! Take your crumbs, peels and cores home with you.
- Use bathrooms and 'outhouses' when possible. If you can't always bury human waste.
- When picking up pet's waste, use a plastic bag and dispose of it properly.
- Don't contaminate the water. Don't put soap, food or human/pet waste into lakes, rivers or streams.
Leave It As You Find It
- Treat plants and wildlife with respect. Hacking, carving or peeling plants may kill them.
- Leave all plants, rocks and wildlife as you find them for other people to enjoy them.

Do You Really Need A Fire
- Use a camp stove for cooking.
- If you want a campfire make sure you have permission from the land owner first.
- Firewood should be bought from a shop or gathered from the ground. Don't cut down trees / branches.
- Burn all the wood into ash and make sure its 100% out before you leave.
- Protect the area around you and use fire rings - preferably ones that are already there.
Keep The Wildlife Wild
- Observe the wildlife with great distance.
- Clean up after yourself, human food is unhealthy for all wildlife.
- Protect the wildlife by storing your waste in secure bags.
Always Share The Trails & Manage your Pets
- Be considerate to other hikers and cyclists when passing on a trail.
- Avoid making loud noises, you will see more of the wildlife that way.
- Keep your pets on their leads.
- Have fun and enjoy the outdoors but don't bother anyone else.