Skiing or snowboarding on the French Alps can give you endless hours of fun. But the slopes can easily become dangerous if you don't follow safety measures. To ensure that you and your loved ones have a safe outdoor experience and a memorable vacation in France, it’s a good idea to adhere to the safety best practices discusses below.
Skiing/snowboarding patterns can modify the snow surface. On the mountain, weather conditions can also change suddenly. In such cases, skiing or snowboarding can become difficult. Be alert to such conditions and adapt yourself accordingly.
When skiing, note these points
Snow depth is not uniform at all levels of the slope and it changes constantly. Under the snow, the mountain surface is uneven and rough. Always watch out for rocks, bare spots, brush and other obstacles that may come out through the snow. Look out for man made/natural obstacles such as lift towers, gullies, trees, streams, snow vehicles, etc. If you collide against them, you can be seriously injured.
On the slope you are not only responsible for your life but also for that of other skiers. People skiing or snowboarding ahead of you have the right of way. Avoid collisions by keeping clear of them and maintaining a safe distance. Note that skiing or snowboarding at a high speed will reduce your reaction time. Always be in control of your speed. You must be able to stop whenever you want to avoid objects and people on the way.
Don't stop where it seems like you are obstructing a trail or other skiers won't be able to see you from above. Before you start downhill or try to enter a trail, look back and see if there are any skiers who are coming towards you, and let them go ahead. If you are involved in an accident, collision or have witnessed one, remain on the scene. When the snow patrol arrives, identify yourself to them and help in any way you can. Always heed posted warnings and signs. They have been put there for a reason: your safety. Do not go into closed slopes or closed trails.
General safety measures
Always wear a helmet. The risks of head and spinal injuries on a slope are real. Don't go to the slope or use any mechanical equipment like a lift, if your ability to ski has been compromised by the use of drugs or alcohol. Parents and guardians are responsible for the health and safety of their wards on resort property. Always enforce rules that are necessary. Don’t cross snowboarding or ski classes. Also, don't cross race courses unless you are participating in the event. To engage in such sports, you should be physically fit and knowledgeable. If you have a prior health condition, ask your doctor for advice on what to do. If you haven't skied before, you can take up skiing or snowboarding classes to get acquainted with the sport before conquering the slopes!
French Property Ski (www.frenchpropertyski.com) are an english speaking French Property experts who specialise in French ski property in the Alps and Pyrenees.