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The Ramblers - Working For Walkers

The Ramblers' Association - - is Britain's largest organisation for promoting and protecting the interests of walkers. It's a registered charity with over 140,000 members across England, Scotland and Wales and has been defending Britain's footpaths and working with countryside bodies since 1935. In brief, The Ramblers role can be summarised as:
  • Protecting Britain's unique network of public rights of way.
  • Promoting walking by providing information to help people plan walking trips and to enjoy it in safety.
  • Increasing access for walkers.
  • Defending the beauty of the countryside from the inappropriate development.
  • Educating the public about their rights and responsibilities and the health and environmental benefits of walking.
The Ramblers has detailed information on its website on all aspects of walking for health and recreation plus loads of useful advice on where to go, what to do and the right clothing and equipment - rucksacks and boots - to enjoy the outdoors confidently and safely. The Ramblers also organises walking festivals and events, such as the Festival of Winter Walks and the annual national Footpaths Week and a full programme of walks with local groups. RA volunteers maintain thousands of miles of rights of way each year by carrying out practical footpath work and reporting path problems. It is also an active and respected campaigning body on issues of safety and access as well as helping to safeguard our landscapes from insidious development.